Intramural & Recreational events are FREE for currently enrolled students, staff, and Faculty to participate in! The Weight Room is Located in Room 144 Fitness Center Hours: Monday-Friday (9:00 am-5:00 pm) Weekends (Closed) Holidays (Closed) | 713-718-7536 | EXT. 87536 for more information HCC Coleman Campus NOVEMBER Election Week | November 1st | Coleman | 10:00-5:00pm Election Week |November 4th | Coleman |10:00-5:00pm Election Week | November 5th | Coleman | 10:00-5:00pm Election Week | November 6th | Coleman | 10:00- 5:00pm Election Week| November 7th | Coleman | 10:00-5:00pm Club Cardio| November 8th | Coleman | 1:00-3:00pm Club Cardio | Novemebr 15th | Coleman | 1:00- 3:00pm Club Cardio | November 22nd | Coleman| 1:00-3:00pm DECEMBER Relaxation Week | December 3rd | Coleman | 10:00-5:00pm Relaxation Week | December 4th | Coleman | 10:00-5:00pm Relaxation Week | December 5th | Coleman | 10:00-5:00pm January Rec-Fest | January 16th | Coleman | 11:00-1:00pm